Friday, 27 January 2017

Film Studies Essay - evaluation:

At the end of this unit I feel as though my essay went well. There were some aspects of the analysis of my texts, however, that I did find a little more difficult - namely the technical signification and construction of the scene in Die Another Day for the male gaze theory as the visual signification was essentially the same as the technical. Although I thought this, I feel as though I did end up making an essay that lives up to its aim of investigating the Freudian, Lacan and Mulvey theories in modern day/contemporary film texts.

In terms of the research aspect of the essay, I think that I have managed to collect a good amount of information from reliable source. I feel that I could have done a little more research and found a greater amount of information and sources to take information from as, although the sources I used were reliable, there aren't many of them where I feel as though there should be. 

In my opinion, I think that the hardest part of this unit as a whole was trying to analyse my chosen film texts for how the psychoanalytical theories are constructed in the text through the technical use of editing and encoding.

Overall, I think that this unit went well as I was able to explore each of the three psychoanalytical film theories with ease and I was able to understand them. I was also able to find clips from films that present the theories quite clearly without too much struggle, meaning that I feel as though I could identify the theories easily. 

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